Collection of Doodles since 2nd Year Started 1

I have finally managed to sort out all the doodles and drawing I have done in the last half year (ish). I was going to put all of them in one post but then it seems to be too much since it is already very messy in one file. So hopefully I will post the rest regularly in the future.

I have done the similar thing since I was in school. Since graduating from middle school (I think), I have started putting all the drawings I have done in the text books together. At that time, I did it by hand, cutting from the text books and test paper, then pasting them onto A4 paper and save it in the folder. I just started editing doodles in PS when I was in year 1. It was just a try, but I am kind of obsessed to it now, although it takes lot of time.

The hand cut ones which I have done when I was still in Taiwan, have cost lot of folders. This is also why I start saving them digitally since I came to the UK. After graduate from uni, I might still cut them out because I actually prefer having paper and original drawing than digital files. I really enjoy flipping through all those folders when I want to look back.

But editing the drawing digitally is also an advantage. Although it is not perfect, by changing the layer type to Darken, the edge of each scan of drawing becomes not that obvious. It helps me to squish more images in.

I just changed into plain paper to take note (doodle), so here most of the drawings are still based on the lined paper. The tutor said it doesn’t seems professional with lined paper but please forgive me here.

Most of the drawing is my thought at that moment, I use a girl represent myself. The rest…well let’s just say the ideas just pop into my head and my hand can hardly stop. Sometime I get the idea from the lecture; sometimes when I can’t concentrate, my mind can’t help but think of other things. I think of characters from the book, the drawing I have done before; sometimes practicing poses and different styles.

Conclusion 15


(The video is fine, just not in HD)

I have done this in After Effect. The starts with “Can I not scaling eyes but only change its position and make it looks like the head is turning?” The answer is yes. This animation I basically only using masks, scaling, and positioning. The mask for eyes is a but tricky tho. I want to make the eyes disappear when it is out of mask, so I have to keep the mask stay when the eyes are moved. So I have to go to the eyes layer > Contents > Ellipse > Transform Ellipse, instead of go to the Transform we first see in the layer. I only creat 1 360°, I pre composed (actually I have rendered it separately) the composition and then duplicate it so it turns twice. As you see, I have more than one head and one body to make it seems like the hands, legs, and hair go behind the main body.

Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 14.22.51 Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 18.14.06

It was a struggle before, but when I try to complete it, I am more used to AE now. If by any chance, I want to keep the thickness of the hands and others while it is still turning. It may actually be easier if I work it out in C4D tho.