Shaun the Sheep Model Making


We went to National Media Museum to participate the model making class for children


We had a teacher to teach us, also an instruction similar to this, so we can make sure the proportion and the shape of the body is correct I was planning to make this one afterwards but realising that there is no enough time and clay for me to use

It is a very good opportunity to me. I had had a long time didn’t touch clay and I want to see if I can get things right this time. Because in my memory I am very poor at producing solid work.

So here is the final outcome I got


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If I have enough time, I would like to improve the details such as the curve of ears. I change to use toothpick on the half way to make the texture because we couldn’t stay in the studio too long.


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I quite like the curve I made to the legs.


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Character Design Production

In our very first character design session, we assumed that we are making a new character for a new cereal product. The image below is the final outcome that is waiting to be developed into a 3D model in Cinema4D.


Under the cut is the process before this.

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