
Finally we are making the final version. It becomes a team work rather than individual. We have 16 papers which are larger than A3 to make a huge poster. (So I can’t scan the final in) Our team just simply working on four typographies and four words. The result is shown in the following video. We have to take the video from 2nd floor.

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It is so cool when the poster is so huge and looks perfect even from a distence!


This is our second time producing typography, what makes it different from the first time is that this one is more free to create any form. So we firstly try to make different style for every letter, then choose some that is preferable to work in further progress.

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Tutor suggests me to have a font that is more regular instead of images since it might be challenging when creating other letters. I was trying not to follow the advice but eventually follow it.

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Eventually I chose this one for the final outcome. It seems easy but a well understanding of perspective is required.

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The last step is to finalise it. I will give a fine line to it and correct the faults in the structure.